Cheeseburger Island Style (Reno, NV)

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I hate 1000 Island dressing, so you know it is a bad burger when I drown my burger in it. Zo and I have been making fun of how the outside of Cheeseburger Island Style here in Reno looks since it was built. I kept saying it looked like a bad Veags Casino! After months of making fun of it I said, "Hey babe why don't we give it a chance?" So we did.

When you walk in you are greeted by hostesses wearing really bad imitation grass skirts and a friendly "Aloha!" These Alohas get old about the 3rd, 4th one and make you grind your teeth by the 8th or 9th! For being an Island themed burger joint it sure is dark. I do not know about the two girls that opened it after wanting a burger in Hawaii but I've never been to a dark dank beach in bright sunshiny Hawaii. The menus are sticky and grease with way too many items. I shouldn't have to have a waiter tell me to open to page 17 for drinks and page 13 for appetizers... I should be able to easily find them myself.

The menu states all of their burgers come with 1000 island dressing and the onion rings are unforgettable, if my unforgettably plain then they are right about that. The burgers... UGH, the burgers. The first thing Zo noticed when they were brought to us were that they were school cafeteria grey (real bad sign) and the first thing I noticed when biting into them was that they tasted like sausage breakfast patties from a fast food joint. I decided there must be something to the adding 1000 island to the burgers. i had it put on the side because neither of us is a huge fan of it, Zo likes it sometimes. I dipped my burger in... if you dip it in the 1000 island dressing, sprinkle pepper over it, pour ranch on it and pretend you are eating a breakfast sandwich you can kind of enjoy it I suppose.

What was good? The service was pretty darn good (other than they try to up sell you with every sentence when makes Zo and I order less.) The seasoned fries are also pretty good. Nothing to write home about but good enough that you would eat a plate of them!

What Francis says: AVOID!
What Zo says: Avoid!


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