Poor Red's is rich in tastes. (El Dorado, CA.)

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, April 7, 2009
If you are near El Dorado, CA. make sure you Keep and eye out for Poor Red's.

When Zo and I were first dating, I talked about this place called Red's that my Uncle Bobby took me to during my teen years. I told her they had great BBQ and there was this drink call Golden Cadillac that tasted like milkshakes. The best part being when you order one you got two! One in a martini glass and then one in a regular glass. I wished I could remember where it was because it would be fun to go together.

Around rolls my birthday and Zo has a mystery trip planned. We end up at this great bed and breakfast called Albert Shafskys House in Placerville, CA. It was really nice and the two owners were very friendly, polite and boy could they make a delicious breakfast! If you stop by scratch there pup Lily behind the ear for me.

Zo took me driving around the area and says, "So do you know what we are doing here?" I tell her I have no idea, about that time we take a turn and there is Poor Red's! I get over whelmed by how much she must love me and told her how much I adore and love her.

Inside it is just as I remembered it, great smelling BBQ being made in the back room... Wait what is this? The BBQ joint is closed during the week because business has been slow the bartender tells us. What a bummer!

The friendly bartender ask what we will have and we both already know what we want. A Golden Cadillac. We chit chat and enjoy the smooth flavor. The bartenders birthday was the day before mine so he comps my drink. Can life be any better? Only if we would have been able to get some of that BBQ, otherwise life wass pert near perfect!


What Francis says: Great BBQ and drinks!
What Zo says: Golden Cadillacs are amazing!


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